1 - Cleansing
Cleansing is the first step because it sets the stage for all other skin regimes. Cleansing does what the name says: cleanses. It removes dirt, impurities, dust, and excess skin oil.
For those of you who prefer to buy organic skin care, here's our reader review of Beauty without Cruelty cleanser. If you like to make your own skin care products, my personal favorite is oatmeal facial cleanser but cleansers such as dry skin cleanser work well too.
When using a cleanser, you should rub the face gently and in upwards motion. Cleansers are generally used twice a day: in the morning and in the evening.
To step it up a notch, add a facial steam into this routine for even more thorough cleansing. Facial steams open clogged pores and allow for impurities to leave them more easy.
2 - Toning
Toner doesn't only tone the skin, it helps remove extra dirt and impurities left behind by the cleanser. Toner is not a mandatory part of skin care routine, it is enough to use it once or twice a week. If you are exposed to harsh condition or extra dust, use it then. Facial toners prepare the face for step #4, moisturizing.
3 - Exfoliating
As toner, facial exfoliants are not to be used on a daily basis. They can be used once a week and that is plenty. Exfoliants slough off the dead skin cells to expose the new, rejuvenated, radiant skin. To make sure you are getting the results you want, use gentle exfoliants, and again, don't rub excessively.
4 - Moisturizing
This is the last, but most important step. It is an imperative you moisturize your skin daily. All of the other steps mentioned lead up to this one, and if this one is skipped, well, you might as well skip them all. Lack of moisture leads to dry skin. Dry skin in and of itself is not such a big problem but drying out the naturally moist skin leads to its aging, appearance of wrinkles, and overall lifeless look and feel of the skin.
Moisturizer provides best effects when applied on moist skin so wash your face really quick and apply it.
This is basically all you need to know in order to establish a good skin care routine. Don't forget to remove your make up every night, stay away from sun, and invest in either good natural skin care products or good ingredients to make your own.
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